基板マウント用シールドF 横型&縦型タイプの2タイプ有り
I have it of two types of the shield F width type & length type type for board mounts
created by 柏市 (株)コネクト Phone: +81471705050
created by Kashiwa-shi connect Phone: Co., Ltd. +81,4,7170,5050

コネクトの真情 とは
With true feelings of a company
 A foundation of the trust to root in Higashikatsushika

I will look at the factory
 Part production by modern facilities

Think about a global environment
 Connect environment policy

I will watch a product
 Board direct attachment F-connector

I will watch a client
 主な取引先 企業一覧
 A list of main clients

It is any kind of company
 Company profile

Japanese Language

人の喜ぶ顔が見たい。夢を叶える手伝いがしたい。私達の能力や経験を必要としている人がいる。人との出会いの中に幸せを感じ、人への貢献が私達にとっての生き甲斐で有り、自己実現で有る事を理解し活動して行く。私たちは製品を通し、日々の仕事の中で知り合える多くの人へ『品質&価格』を貢献する。営利企業としてお互いの利益がぶつかり合うのでは無く、お客様とのパートナーシップを構築し最終目標を共有する 草の根から大きなネットワークへと育てていきたいと考えています。
The face which the person is pleased with wants to look. I want to do a help to grant a dream. There is a person needing our ability and experience. I feel happiness in an encounter with the person, and there is contribution to the person for the definite aim for us and I understand that there is it by self-realization and am active. We contribute to many people who can get to know in daily work at "a quality & price" through a product. Each other's profit clashes as a for-profit company and there is not it and can be brought up from the grass-root which I build partnership with the visitor, and share the final aim to the big network.
    Please let me know by all means.

Shield F type for board mounts - 基板マウント用シールドF型
Shield F type for board mounts - 基板マウント用シールドF型

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